Liberation Day in Wageningen this year was an amazing event; the whole city was a giant music festival. There were 19 music stages playing music from 13.00-midnight, each with its own genre including a terrific world music lineup, hip hop, electro, pop, rock & roll, and even a tent for old-people-music. The normally sleepy city was transformed…
From our apartment window I took a 12 hour time-lapse video of the Wageningen Bus Station and compiled this video. While the bus station was not the center of the action, there was a good view of the Veterans Parade and of the masses trying to leave around 23.00. I set the camera up to take a photo each 30 seconds. At night, an interesting effect occurred when the shutter speed was 30 seconds itself, resulting in continuous shooting and streaky light, check it out at the end of the short 2 minute movie: